#010: Pioneering Crypto Invesments w/ Jehan Chu, Founder of Kenetic Capital April 10, 2021 8:00am CEST
Hosted by Luc Jodet and Nettra Pan
Room opened up 15 minutes before 8:00am.
Note that the recording app did not record any of Nettra's voice so the conversation has been reconstructed.
Nettra: Jehan, help us understand, before we talk about how you entered the crypto space, how did you enter the art world?
We start the conversation by going back to the very beginning of Jehan's career. After graduating from John Hopkins with a degree in International Relations, Jehan worked at a startup and also worked as a freelance developer, including for Sotheby's. One of the projects he worked on included building their online auction platform.
Recording starts.
Jehan: The company that I left I had options in, and they ended up incubating the first domain name auction site.
Jehan: Fast forward.