Nettra Pan:

Unknown 0:00

We tend to say that we live in today.

Unknown 0:02

We are going to record this structured part of the conversation and anytime you have anything you want, off the record, just let us know and we'll take it off. So let's start the room. Honestly, I'm so pumped. So, my name is Nettra pan, I'm an educator and researcher, I tried to find out the best use for emerging technology and try to figure out how to also help founders to figure out the best use of themselves, and I've been really enjoying learning about the crypto space, I've been an advisor to different blockchain ventures in the space for the last few years, but as a user myself. I mean I only started to holding ether since 2019 So this is still very new for me and what I really love about our club crypto beyond currency is that I get the chance to learn alongside all of you and have amazing people like William and Hersh, share their experiences. So I'm joined by my co host, Luke. Luke is a co founder, serial entrepreneur, co founder of Adriani been working on NF T's for over four years, and he's here as my technical counterpart and kind of like critical counterpart to. So really happy to be co hosting a crypto beyond currency with him, and I want to thank William, William is actually one of the reasons why we got in contact with Krish, William is an investor in Super World app, and he's been a great supporter of crypto beyond currency, thank you so much William for being here. And then finally our guest of honor, Krish lecarre serial entrepreneur as well. A co founder of Super World app I want to give the floor to William and Krish opening remarks, tell us how you're doing before we jump into questions.

Unknown 1:52

Yeah, just lead off and then I'll kick it over there very show my name is William being really stage VC, with sosv, where I'm responsible for internet and software investments. We invest we accelerate through our China accelerator platform which is helping companies expand to Asia and sell to enterprise, and our MOX mobile accelerator where we help companies get free advertising and user acquisition also mostly in Asia. And so we're the number three most active VC in the world, and this point the number five most active VC in media, in 2020, and started investing in crypto 2015 When we accelerated a crypto derivatives exchange called bit Mex, we're the only VC investor in bitmax and early days they were number one I think you're still in the top 10 on the derivative side. So, just wanted to kick it over Harish thank you so much Nettra for hosting us tonight. Or it's night where I am. Hey guys thanks thanks again for having me and can can you guys hear me okay. Just want to make sure. Sounds good. Perfect, perfect. Well thanks so much Nettra And Luke for having me as well and thanks for William for making the introduction I really appreciate it. I'll give you a quick intro on my background and. And then, if you'd like, you know, I guess I can give you an overall kind of view of the vision, the super world but I'll start with my background so that South therapist. And so my background is started my career in in management consulting I grew up in the United States moved into investment banking m&a on Wall Street, for a number of years doing investment banking, public management, corporate finance mergers and acquisitions at UBS and HSBC, got into venture capital in New York investing across the pack in biotech, about 10 years ago I had one of my first crazy ideas which was wouldn't it be cool to go to the emerging market somewhere and start a VC fund. So I got on a plane didn't know anyone I went to Ukraine, Russia Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland Moldova, took me about a year and a half but ended up getting backed by Viktor pinching to start a venture capital fund called East labs, we invest in about 35 companies out in Ukraine Presley's one of our companies they just did a series B round last week or the largest online tutoring marketplace in the world. We also did promo Republic, which did a series B as well as started tech mins in Mins

k, Belarus, which is backed by the US State Department. After that my career took me to become early employee versus stab at a company called soft towel. Top towel is a talent marketplace backed by Andreessen Horowitz, it's actually number one talent marketplace around the world. It's a unicorn company and I learned a lot about how to scale, grow, you know, be really scrappy. Those are really great learning experience for me. And then five years ago I started Road initiative Studios, which is a Film Television gaming and virtual reality studio in Hollywood. My co founder produce column being modern warfare series and goes my production partners Michael Bay Road initiative, what we do is we build franchises from the ground up so we create new original content, and then we do a feature film, television, gaming, virtual reality, all the way to our toys. The business model is we get the best in feature film The best interactive gaming, the best in television and then create new original content and go across all those mediums, and basically that's four and a half years ago, you know Pokemon GO came out and became this huge sensation as we all know, a lot of people don't know that it was the fastest company in history to hit a billion dollars in revenue at the time. And, you know a lot of other people don't know that this was their best year ever so they've been doing really extremely well they're about $2 billion in revenue. And, you know, we thought back then, you know, if we can't build the next Pokemon Go, we could build a world, what if we could build a place where the next 1000 years gets built on to, and I'm using Pokemon Go. As an analogy for adding digital information. So that's kind of how the vision and how we started super well, I started super well my co founder Max Max's background, just so you guys know it is max co founded X fire and sold it to Viacom, but he's also done fizzle sliver skit and to star all venture backed companies and sliver into Star both in the immersive space and then previously he worked in Stephen Hawking's department at Cambridge really guy we used to work together on the YouTube platform. And that's how we know each other and we really we're very, we're very synergistic very different kind of business investment banking venture capital, consulting, technology business development background. Max is a is a very very extremely talented technologists across AR VR AI blockchain so that's our story I can go into the vision but I'll stop there.

Unknown 6:52

Thank you very much. Thanks for your intro as well. Definitely feel free to pop up whenever you have something to contribute to most of our questions will be geared towards towards their wish to just get started, you actually are one of the people that started a company in the NFT place quite early, mid 2018 And what got you to into crypto as everybody has their origin story, what actually got you into, into this service industry, or at least interested in cryptocurrencies in general and the blockchain applications.

Unknown 7:33

Yeah, so you know I was doing venture capital. Since, 2007, and I started the venture capital fund in in Eastern Europe in 2011. And you know, early 2013 I was having breakfast with a friend of mine who's in the hedge fund space. And yeah, we, you know, we're literally in Kiev, Ukraine, and, you know, you probably know Ukraine's another hotspot for a lot of crypto and you know people into crypto. And yeah, we had a lunch and he told me all about Bitcoin and I you know I remember I looked back actually into my files, years later, and I'd already gotten some deals in the space for marketplaces back in 2012 2018 So that was kind of my origin story, and when he told me about his guy was pretty brilliant and so that's kind of how I got into bitcoin

Unknown 8:32

quite early, and then, what's your first exposure to NF T's when I mean NF T's. Actually there were there were experiments quite early, I think that as early as 2014, but it really popped on my radar at least in early 2000s or in mid 2017 When did you actually

even identify your 50 years as a topic of interest.

Unknown 8:58

Yeah, so, you know, we were pretty aware of the crypto kitties story, when that started, and that really, you know the dapper Labs has done a wonderful job system, and, you know, they've really proven out. In my case, or my thought, you know, the, the idea of what NF T's, what could be possible there with the ERC 721 standard, which I can go into but that's on Aetherium. And so we really, you know, we looked at what had happened with ERC 20 tokens in 2017 with the ICO boom. And we were, We were careful on our side, just on a personal decision that we, we wanted to wait to do something that we felt was a bit more, you know, understood on the regulatory side, and we saw crypto kitties come out we saw Andreessen come in on the crypto kitties deal. I think we saw Max and I felt really comfortable about that and we decided to tokenize the word, we'd already been thinking about how to tokenize the world and that standard really made the made the case for us that was.

Unknown 10:10

Thanks so much I'm gonna come in now, as well. So for those of you who are just joining the room this is our weekly crypto beyond currency room this week we have the pleasure of hosting Krish, founder of Super World Check it out, it's a well he's gonna tell us all about it. But you can find, you know, your, your home town, you can find places that are really important to you and collect these virtual pieces of real estate as NF T's, we've just started the conversation we start at the top of the hour, and Harish has shared his incredible background, I have taken notes at our Twitter at beyond currency so if you tap on my head and scroll to the bottom, you'll see beyond currency and in the pin tweet, you know, I just did a very very brief summary of Hirsch's amazing life which I think you've lived multiple lives and you have to tell us also about your nomadic life. But, you know he's worked from, he's worked in, in media, co founded rogue initiative, partner with Michael Bay, some of you might know him from transformers. He's co founded top towel is or sorry, founded top towel. Is that correct Trish. So, Chris, I think you're muted. Chris,